An Adult Bedtime Story For Bonzo
Lions and Tigers and Bare-Assed Liars, Oh my!
by guest writer
Micky McBile

In the picture to your right that's a just-disrobed AcerMore (also on the right) at the public baths, saying to an obviously testosterone-challenged, anti-freespeecher pussy, TesNexus gender-bender censor: "I don't want to be friends, pals or buddies. Get it? Got it? Good."
We now interrupt this commercial to return you to a bedtime story already in progress at an undisclosed witness protection program location deep in the wilds of Oblivious...
"Tell us more, Grandpa--tell us the story about The Dark Land of TesNexus," said the little child sitting on his knee.
"And the Black Castle of obNoxious," said the second at his feet.
"And the DarkNun," said the third little child snuggled safely in her warm bed...
What? More? Oh--okay. Now, where did I leave off? Hmmmm. Oh, yes--just as we left me--I mean--him last time, in the above picture you can see our hero Shining Prince AcerMore being 'approached' by a TesNexus Censor gender-bender.
"What's a Censor, Grandpa?"
A no-good, dirty-rotten, son-of--ah...ask your grandmother, children.
Anyway, I was--I mean--Prince AcerMore was being propositioned (in a most obvious and no uncertain manner, mind you) to "play along--and keep your mouth shut about everything that's happening or going to happen in our Dickedatorial Kingdom," (wink, wink--nudge, nudge--you know what I mean?) "or be banished from The Dark Land of TestyNexus forever and ever..."
Please join me next time, on our regular Monday, for Part 2:
The Good. The Bad. And The Ucking Fugly
Get it? Got it? Good.