Thursday, November 12, 2009

Part 2: Truth or Consequences


Truth? We Don't Need No Stinkin' Truth

(Here's a pic of where I was eventually banished to for speaking up: At least they gave me a place to sleep--so they weren't all bad.)

Here's my side of the conversations, only, because I can't speak for others.  I wrote all this in my reply to their actions:

I have in my setup: 238 mods that I've finally gotten to work together after much testing, putting in/taking out and hair-pulling...if I were to package and upload them as a bundle I know they will work (all things being equal.) However, once one of them is updated or changed in someway by the author then I'll probably have to dig down deep to make them all work together again. (Headache anyone?)

Now here comes along someone willing to do all that work of keeping a 'bundle' running--and I'm all for it and appreciate it.

Would the authors of all these different mods like to download this bundle and make sure their changes work with it? I don't think so--and they shouldn't have to.

Can't we have a new category? "Bundles", perhaps? With a different set of rules? (There's always the exception to the rule, remember.)

What does anyone else think about that? (I asked on the website.)

I wonder how many people would still like to download this file if they could..." (Turns out there was quite a few!)

Honestly, who can contact 238 plus authors? As long as they receive full credit for their work, hmmmm?

Just think: Each 'bundle' would be so different that it would be like playing a whole new game!

P.S. Some of you might remember me from my DAZ website days when I started one topic that received 15,000 hits in 6 days and was over 80 pages long (and they have long pages) when I said enough. Over there I was known as 'DazzleDave'.

Please join me next time, on Monday, for Part 3:

Heaven, I'm in Heaven
And I Can Hardly Speak--Ya, Right


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