Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Part 1: Censorship Is Dictatorship On Game Sites

Listen up, Game Websites: Your boards are empty and dead for a reason--because people are afraid to speak up or disagree (or worse, even agree) with just the other posters (never mind the admins) or they'll get banned.

As soon as somebody is smart enough (and has guts enough) to open up a forum that allows free speech they're going to wipe out all the other toadying sites in an instant.

Censorship should be only used when someone is being nasty for the sake of being nasty or threatening--not because someone doesn't like to hear the truth. "You told the truth, you hurt my feelings--you're banned."

Ya, right. Well, this is the Internet. And guess what? One hour later anyone can set up their own blog and show just how pathetic you folks really are.

See, unlike at your game websites I'm allowing people (players and modders) the right to freedom of speech, to speak out without fear: Don't like me? Bite me. Wish I was dead? Go ahead.

A coward dies a thousand deaths but a brave man (or woman) dies but once...unless they build a blog--then they live for ever.

Yes, it's true: I got banned from TesNexus and it's forums. Can't connect to those two sites anymore. I'm all alone, now, just me and my 7000+ mods. Boo-hoo.

Why? Because I told the truth--and they didn't like it. Here's another truth: I'm not a modder but if I was I wouldn't want to be a Godmodder.

So, let's get down to it, shall we? Leaving out what others said here is the gist of the matter--nothing changed except spelling corrections, and hopefully they're correct.

A 'bundle' was put up on TesNexus called 'FCOM SuperPack' by Ultiodes but the file was removed and the page left as otherwise so people could still read it. (No fault there, I thought--except that I now realize it was left up to make an example to others and a warning not to speak out.)

Please join me next time, on Thursday, for Part 2:

Truth or Consequences
Truth? We Don't Need No Stinkin' Truth


  1. @AcerMore Thanks for your recommendation for my blogger trick! :D

  2. @??

    You're welcome--unfortunately I'm still getting the hang of this and I didn't have comments turned on correctly.

  3. @AcerMore

    Now you can comment without me giving the okay first--I hope.

  4. @AcerMore

    I found out how to reply from the blog below where you get the script/html code to paste in your own blog:


  5. Another test by AcerMore.

  6. Yeah this is so true i just got banned on like an acc iv had for a year and 6 months my last one got banned but id forgotten and i forgot why i never comment on that damn site they are corrupt.

    recently someone made a vampire mod and some people got the lore wrong on vampires so i made a big post explaining the origins of the elder scrolls vampirism and that was fine i got two thumbs down though.

    then i commented "why did i get two thumbs down all that lore is totally correct go look it up iv even read the elder scrolls books trust me thats correct"

    "this member has been banned for *posting personal information about themselves that has no constructive feedback to the mod*"

    WHAT SERIOUSLY ^ THAT i got banned for THAT so what just talking to people and sharing a bit about myself is ban material? if im not like a drone supporting this mod then im wrong? oh and since u cant even be "unfriendly" not even an asshole basicly just unfriendly meaning if im negative in any way (which im not btw just saying) ill get banned.

    so if i dont endorse or at least talk about the mod like a little drone im expected to say nothing at all i cant even say "hey guys"

