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by guest writer
Micky McBile

(Pictured above another happily censored TesNexus visitor...)
"Get on with the story, Grandpa."
Okay, hold your horses, kiddo. Well, AcerMore doesn't 'play' that way, you see. AcerMore plays it 'straight'--if you know what I mean--and so he didn't 'play along' and spoke out instead in various and sundry nether regions of The Dark Land of Anus Tightus, anNunciating clearly the truth to all who would gather round and listen.
But as Peter said to Jesus: You can cure the sick, you can cure the lame, but Christ, you can't cure the stupid.
(The above is a joke, by-the-way, that I wrote on the Daz Forums when some of the namby-pamby clowns there were bothering me and it got the WHOLE page of people's comments removed--talk about an uproar. Ha! Loved it!)
And so it came to pass that some were sorely afraid and covered their asses so they would not hear, and they then ran away in case they should become tainted by the truth and banished like so many, many others before them from the Dark Land of TesNexus. But the Censors (who were lurking in the dismalness cast by the shadow of The DarkNun) flinched at the words of a new prophet suddenly realizing there would be no profit at all for them if he were to be allowed to continue to speak out spouting his foul truth.
Oh my goodness gracious me, yes.
And so it passed that the powers-that-be saw The Shining Words and found (as so often happens in thrice-told tales like these) that they couldn't stand the light of the truth beaming down upon them for even a brief moment in time, for, as it's always been said: The truth hurts.
Unfortunately this time it seems to have hurt Truth, Itself, and Justice.
But what happened to Shining Prince AcerMore next was almost impossible to believe. Yes, I know it's beyond comprehension, but--.
"What happened next, Grandpa?"
Well...actually, I'm tired now, children--and I need to take a nap.
"Ah, Grandpa..."
Tough kitties, you little--! Ma! Come and get these younglings to sleep, will ya? They're your grandchi...zzzz
Please join me next time, on our regular Monday, for Part 3:
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