Monday, December 28, 2009

Sites Like TesNexus Are Destroying Bethesda's Good Will

Well, that's it--I've had enough.

I haven't been enjoying Oblivion for the last while, now--I was wondering why. I think I have the answer: TesNexus ruined it for me.

It's a bit like sitting on Santa's lap and having him say: "Fuck off, kid." You can never look at the jolly old fellow the same way after that. The mood is ruined, the awe is gone, Oblivion is finished for me.

TesNexus has probably ruined Oblivion for a lot of other people, also. I thought of this when I came across somebody else on the web who basically said that they'd had enough with TesNexus and Oblivion.

That's when it struck me--I'm not enjoying this game anymore. I'm just going through the motions, click here--run at high speed to the next point. Time to call time on Oblivion...

I've already found another game that I like and a website that isn't filled with admins suffering from (and I quote) “shopping mall cop” syndrome or narcissistic arseholes on a power-trip who’ll ban you for any reason they desire.

Bye all and good luck--especially anyone stupid enough to go on TesNexus...



  1. Erm... lacking details. Doesn't do much good to complain about something when you don't go so far as to back it up with anything or elaborate. Your RULE is to be on topic, what exactly was the topic here... Other than mindless and disconnected ranting?

  2. Wow, what an idiot. Guess this guy broke the rulz and got his punk-azz banned.

  3. 1. Get banned from some website noone cares about
    2. Claim you don't care then start a blog to bitch and whine about how hard done by you are
    3. ???
    4. Profit

  4. hi buddy just checking how this replay to comment works :)

  5. TesNexus ruined Oblivion for me too, a few people I met online have been banned or discriminated against on the site. The staff have acted unfairly and reacted in completely the wrong way.

  6. Have you seen the underwear gnomes?

  7. dood (or doodette) amen i just got myself banned for being critical of a very poorly written mod

    you basically cant even say "This mod will break your game and there's no way to properly uninstall it, it should have never been released to the public." the worst language i used was calling it failsauce...

    I actually pointed out the technical flaws

    Anyway theres planet elderscrolls and that other European site

    I think the problem is with "America" in general people have become a bunch of crybabies and beleive online space is some new sacred space that they should be protected from all negative emotion in...

    Also modders in the US. .. or the neckbeards who gravitate around the oblivion game ( not that every fits this stereoytype mind you) but theres allot tend to be pre-ma-donna's or however you say it

    Don't feel bad

    Personally I'm glad they saved me the trouble of clicking on their stupid URL ever again =)

    so heres a *huge high five!!!*

    trollin the nexus loosers ftw

  8. oh ya anonymous again and to those being self righteous... and calling foul on the bloggers banning... sometimes you just need to vent, and there are perfectly acceptable ways to do it, A. here on their blog and B. even on the nexus forums but they truly are nazi dictator wannabe's over there =)

    and thanks for letting me vent back in your comments anonymous lol stupid nexus pukes need to go play some duke nukem and get a thick skin for real

  9. I agree on one part. The TES Nexus Staff has lost their touch. Ever since asshole moderators like Thandal and BlackBaron2 ever took office, the site's become shit. Whenever you get fed up with someone or other people who are obviously noobs and annoy you with the same ridiculous questions again and again, the moderators will take their side over you, and act as if you're the bad guy.

    It just sickens me to see draconian and martial laws put in place. I hate the TES Nexus personally because the assholes who run that site like to 'exploit' people. Meaning getting them in trouble more, just enough to trip off the rope and see yourself banned. I don't think this would do a lot of damage to them if we tried. TES Nexus isn't going anywhere, not with these millions of users, they're probably just going to continue their sadistic and censorship games with the rest of the community, oh I bet very few get to join the owner's Nazi SS party. I took off all of my mods in fact, because I simply won't allow myself to be pushed around or told what to do when I'm 'angry'.

    Death to the communists, death to TES Nexus! Troll on, comrades!

  10. The Nexus moderators are among the most fascist ones I've ever come across on the Internet which is such a shame since it has a great assortment of mods. If you can find it in yourself to keep your head down and obey "The Man", it's decent but has a long way to go in terms of functionality.

    Vagrant0 was the first mod that I had the misfortune of meeting. His sarcasm and snide remarks are aggravating and purposely made to stir people up. Too bad the concept of "trolling" doesn't apply to the mods, at least in their mind.

    But he is not the worst on that site. Oh no. He sticks around the forums so you can easily avoid him. Same with buddah, who is equally as pretentious and self-centered. So who is the worst?


    Holy hell, this guy is the mad dog of the Nexus. Basically take everything that is wrong in a modern day government and stuff it into this guy's online entity. He has zero common sense and has finger on the ban trigger 24/7. Step out of line just a centimeter and your virtual brain will be splattered across the wall. And even if you don't step out of line, be prepared to face the belittling of a lifetime via private messages. This guy fights dirty and he loves it.

    I am the author of a popular mod on the TESNexus (400+ endorsements). I have never been banned and stay as far away from the forums and especially the chat (which I heard is like stepping into a warzone and expecting to come out without a scratch).

    I uploaded a new version of my mod. Got feedback that there may be a bug in it that could cause a CTD. Fine, I'll quickly work on a patch and upload the fixed version. Good right? Apparently not for Thandal. He was hopping mad and sent me a PM where he threatened to ban me if I did not fix it immediately. I tell him that I'm "working on a patch and will upload it soon". Well screw me because Thandal then closed my mod's page removed (yes, removed) all of my files, even the old versions of my mod that I had left posted and no longer had on my computer.

    He sent me another message saying not to "reopen the page until you have a fixed version" or else my account will be "terminated". I asked for him to restore my old file versions when he did. To this day, I've gotten no response. The biggest slap in the face is the fact that he read my message so he's just being his old prudish self and not having the decency to at least give me a narcissistic response as usual.

    Thandal, if you happen to Google search your name on one of those cold, lonely nights of banning modders left and right and stumble across this blog, please, for all that is good in this world, change your ways for the sake of the community. Preserve what little dignity you have left.

  11. I used to make mod for the Sims II some time ago... the Sims modder community is friendly and helpful, really improve game experience. When I started to collect mods for Oblivion I believed oblivion's modders community was the same but I was wrong. Maybe modding oblivion is quite harder (but I doubt this, behavior system was a pain in the ass) but mods are not deeply tested at tesnexus.. try to upload on mod the sims or TSR a mod that crash the game without reporting conflicts and they will not let you publish it, also will not allow to post anything without a screenshot. TesNexus is a mess, and if a mod crash the game most of time is not because you didn't read the read me file. I hate that site.

  12. The second poster above me puts it perfectly. The moderators on The Nexus Network are among the worst I've ever seen on a site that size.

    Bear in mind that I'm one of the few to have never been banned. So it's got nothing to do with me being "butthurt" or anything.

    I've been on that site for years and I still can't believe how imbecilic some of these moderators can be.

    They all sound bitter and sarcastic and get off to exploiting the power they have over the members. I've seen some of my favorite modders get banned just because one of the moderators was unhappy in life and needed to ruin someone else's day to make themselves feel better... And of course, if you speak up or complain about anything it's an instant ban.

    Sad bunch of people ruining a perfectly good website... Oh well.

  13. +1 man,
    i'm sure he wasn't even punk ass for being banned on TesNexus
    those faggot admins ban you for anything they don't like
    for example faggot The Vampire Dante moderator is huge anime fan and if you write in comments to one more 'weaboo' mods that you are really tired to see that tasteless nonsense (yes, like this without rude words etc), he'll get you banned by IP
    You can't do anything about this, and the worst thing is that people upload really nice plugins on Nexus and you can't enjoy them just for sharing your opinion that is different from moderators.
    I admit that after this I got a bit sick of Skyrim as well as it was associated with Nexus and faggots who run it. I'm trying to get over, thanks god I have TES3 to play.

  14. the are the worst moderators in history. very bitter lonely losers in real life, they vent their anger on the community. real lowlifes. boycott the nexus and download mods from the upcoming steam service, i hope it destroys them.

  15. I've seen lots and lots and lots of people having the same problem, I know exactly what you mean. You are very tongue tied at Nexus, even if you are just trying to tell a Modder why their mod isn't as perfect as they sometimes think they are. Say something in a constructive manner about the pros and cons of someone's new mod and you are instantly down voted and looking at the all-mighty ban-hammer. I understand they are severely understaffed and sometimes (they are human, it's our one great error and triumph) things just get to them, they have had a terrible time, they misunderstand; whatever. They have totally gone over board though, they have started banning Mods themselves left and right, even for offences they themselves admit aren't exactly against their own rules. They bend the rules from time to time in order to ban someone for no reason. They lie about what they do (If the Admin feels he can, even if it has not been reported -his words- he can look into any and all of your information, even private messages that have no way of harming anyone else). Think about it the next time you talk to anyone on their site for any reason, if you aren't wearing a big plastic smiley face and nodding to everything a Mod or Admin tells you; you could be banned even without Strikes 1 & 2 rules.

  16. I totally agree with this, so many people come to modsreloaded with the same reason for leaving the nexus, I don't understand why it's left to continue this way....bad form is all I can say about the nexus.

  17. Just came to this thread from LoversLab... looks like another up-and-coming site. They even have key mods that are more up-to-date than TesNexus, such as OOO and MMM! (Nevermind that it's probably miraculous anyone is still refining OOO and MMM).

  18. I was banned ages ago for slightly flirting with a girl in chat and being friendly to darkone DarkOne banned me with a LOL

    I was like Hello DarkOne Nice site you've got going here

    Darkone: LOL

    User fr33kSh0w2012 Banned from chat and forum NO EXPLANATION GIVEN

  19. Yup same here, first they banned me from chat for asking a simple modding question, then I tried explaining this in in the forum in the hopes they would unban me from chat, result was they also banned me from the forums.
    Bunch of fascists, best to not talk to them at all, no matter what you say they gang up on you like vultures and trow out bans like candy.
    Reason for chat ban: chat is not for support.
    Reason for forum ban: public forum is not for open discussions.
    there guys are crazy!

  20. It was part of my afternoon to type TESNEXUS into my Internet Explorer the last 2-3 years of my life, just to look if there's something worth to see. But well, I know what fat, undisciplinated fictional Freaks are behind their dumb accounts. I was a mod maker, too. I wont upload anything to the NEXUS anymore, but for myself I just want to finish my own work. TESNEXUS was like a drug, everytime watching new mods, ULs File Updates to always have the newest Version. Ugly! Mad mad mad. Some days ago I wrote a comment on an poor skyrim mod wich was from an dump korean(I'm not racist, But this one was poor shit) wich added a "great breast Monster" ten thousand times greater than the gameword or so was it called. I wrote that I hate These fat hobby-less assholes. And I got banned. Also all my 14 mods were deleted from the Nexus by These named before Vampire Dante, this great fat dump silly asshole. Shit Nexus. I dont like to visit this site anymore. I WAS called BUGGED, creator of Real Anims, Ancient Dwemer Ruins, Weapons Expansion Pack for Nthusiasts DV, Arbzel - Trollrock, Imperial Prison Enhanced, Cloud Ruler Temple Enhanced, wanted to upload Daggerfall styled Chorrol, Real Anims Guilds with real sit-up making members of fighters guild and so on. Had plans. No they're just for me. Friends on the Nexus were Argonianlord, Maczopiczo, Ferretymester, Frank24 or so, and David Brasher for mod helping. But These stupid moderatores Dump ASSHOLES from the NEASSZUUUTZ have a nothing to DOOO! just FREAKS THE HELL!!! Goodbye Oblivion Online Modding. Aber vielleicht kann ich auf Scharesoft einige Real Anims Mods hochladen, denn bei meinen deutschen Freunden hat sicher niemand was dagegen. Da gibt es nämlich echte Deutsche, keine fantasievollen dicken Pummelvampire die Anime fans sind. Eckelhaft.
