Well, that's it--I've had enough.
I haven't been enjoying Oblivion for the last while, now--I was wondering why. I think I have the answer: TesNexus ruined it for me.
It's a bit like sitting on Santa's lap and having him say: "Fuck off, kid." You can never look at the jolly old fellow the same way after that. The mood is ruined, the awe is gone, Oblivion is finished for me.
TesNexus has probably ruined Oblivion for a lot of other people, also. I thought of this when I came across somebody else on the web who basically said that they'd had enough with TesNexus and Oblivion.
That's when it struck me--I'm not enjoying this game anymore. I'm just going through the motions, click here--run at high speed to the next point. Time to call time on Oblivion...
I've already found another game that I like and a website that isn't filled with admins suffering from (and I quote) “shopping mall cop” syndrome or narcissistic arseholes on a power-trip who’ll ban you for any reason they desire.
Bye all and good luck--especially anyone stupid enough to go on TesNexus...
Monday, December 28, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
Part 3: Button It!
Button, Button--Who's Got The Pussy REPORT Button?
by guest writer
Micky McBile
When we last left our hero he was just about to be smitten three times with the accursed Pussy Button of Report...and...
"Grandpa, wake up! Finish the story."
(cough! cough! drool) ...but what happened to him next was almost impossible to believe, little ones.
Some shameless he/she TesNexus suck-up did smite him once, they did smite him twice, they did smite him thrice within a matter of moments for his three consecutive posts (Shining Prince AcerMore types very fast, you see) with their mighty and magically accursed REPORT Button--and then, and I know you won't believe what happened next, children--but--but--!
Yes, I know this is going to be hard to understand, but--but--his MEMBERship was cut off and then the unwashed brainwashed minions all stomped upon it with great glee (and that hurts something fierce, let me tell ya.) (And that's also what you call a Soupy Sales-type comment, for your future info.)
So, without due process and against his mighty will (I might add) Prince AcerMore was gagged securely; bound hand and foot he was bodily removed from the Black Castle of obNoxious and taken to the gates of the Shadow Kingdom of Self-Importance; and thrown out. (But, as so often happens in life if you but take note, everything wasn't all bad, for, while AcerMore didn't relish it that much himself personally, at least the admins enjoyed their hands-on experience.)
"Grandpa's asleep again!"
Please join me next time, on our regular Monday, for Part 4:
Mauled By A Frenchman
I Got Claude
Button, Button--Who's Got The Pussy REPORT Button?
by guest writer
Micky McBile
When we last left our hero he was just about to be smitten three times with the accursed Pussy Button of Report...and...
"Grandpa, wake up! Finish the story."
(cough! cough! drool) ...but what happened to him next was almost impossible to believe, little ones.
Some shameless he/she TesNexus suck-up did smite him once, they did smite him twice, they did smite him thrice within a matter of moments for his three consecutive posts (Shining Prince AcerMore types very fast, you see) with their mighty and magically accursed REPORT Button--and then, and I know you won't believe what happened next, children--but--but--!
Yes, I know this is going to be hard to understand, but--but--his MEMBERship was cut off and then the unwashed brainwashed minions all stomped upon it with great glee (and that hurts something fierce, let me tell ya.) (And that's also what you call a Soupy Sales-type comment, for your future info.)
So, without due process and against his mighty will (I might add) Prince AcerMore was gagged securely; bound hand and foot he was bodily removed from the Black Castle of obNoxious and taken to the gates of the Shadow Kingdom of Self-Importance; and thrown out. (But, as so often happens in life if you but take note, everything wasn't all bad, for, while AcerMore didn't relish it that much himself personally, at least the admins enjoyed their hands-on experience.)
"Grandpa's asleep again!"
Please join me next time, on our regular Monday, for Part 4:
Mauled By A Frenchman
I Got Claude
Monday, December 7, 2009
Part 2: The Good. The Bad. And The Ucking Fugly
Get it? Got it? Good.
by guest writer
Micky McBile

(Pictured above another happily censored TesNexus visitor...)
"Get on with the story, Grandpa."
Okay, hold your horses, kiddo. Well, AcerMore doesn't 'play' that way, you see. AcerMore plays it 'straight'--if you know what I mean--and so he didn't 'play along' and spoke out instead in various and sundry nether regions of The Dark Land of Anus Tightus, anNunciating clearly the truth to all who would gather round and listen.
But as Peter said to Jesus: You can cure the sick, you can cure the lame, but Christ, you can't cure the stupid.
(The above is a joke, by-the-way, that I wrote on the Daz Forums when some of the namby-pamby clowns there were bothering me and it got the WHOLE page of people's comments removed--talk about an uproar. Ha! Loved it!)
And so it came to pass that some were sorely afraid and covered their asses so they would not hear, and they then ran away in case they should become tainted by the truth and banished like so many, many others before them from the Dark Land of TesNexus. But the Censors (who were lurking in the dismalness cast by the shadow of The DarkNun) flinched at the words of a new prophet suddenly realizing there would be no profit at all for them if he were to be allowed to continue to speak out spouting his foul truth.
Oh my goodness gracious me, yes.
And so it passed that the powers-that-be saw The Shining Words and found (as so often happens in thrice-told tales like these) that they couldn't stand the light of the truth beaming down upon them for even a brief moment in time, for, as it's always been said: The truth hurts.
Unfortunately this time it seems to have hurt Truth, Itself, and Justice.
But what happened to Shining Prince AcerMore next was almost impossible to believe. Yes, I know it's beyond comprehension, but--.
"What happened next, Grandpa?"
Well...actually, I'm tired now, children--and I need to take a nap.
"Ah, Grandpa..."
Tough kitties, you little--! Ma! Come and get these younglings to sleep, will ya? They're your grandchi...zzzz
Please join me next time, on our regular Monday, for Part 3:
Button It!
Button, Button--Who's Got The Pussy REPORT Button?
Get it? Got it? Good.
by guest writer
Micky McBile

(Pictured above another happily censored TesNexus visitor...)
"Get on with the story, Grandpa."
Okay, hold your horses, kiddo. Well, AcerMore doesn't 'play' that way, you see. AcerMore plays it 'straight'--if you know what I mean--and so he didn't 'play along' and spoke out instead in various and sundry nether regions of The Dark Land of Anus Tightus, anNunciating clearly the truth to all who would gather round and listen.
But as Peter said to Jesus: You can cure the sick, you can cure the lame, but Christ, you can't cure the stupid.
(The above is a joke, by-the-way, that I wrote on the Daz Forums when some of the namby-pamby clowns there were bothering me and it got the WHOLE page of people's comments removed--talk about an uproar. Ha! Loved it!)
And so it came to pass that some were sorely afraid and covered their asses so they would not hear, and they then ran away in case they should become tainted by the truth and banished like so many, many others before them from the Dark Land of TesNexus. But the Censors (who were lurking in the dismalness cast by the shadow of The DarkNun) flinched at the words of a new prophet suddenly realizing there would be no profit at all for them if he were to be allowed to continue to speak out spouting his foul truth.
Oh my goodness gracious me, yes.
And so it passed that the powers-that-be saw The Shining Words and found (as so often happens in thrice-told tales like these) that they couldn't stand the light of the truth beaming down upon them for even a brief moment in time, for, as it's always been said: The truth hurts.
Unfortunately this time it seems to have hurt Truth, Itself, and Justice.
But what happened to Shining Prince AcerMore next was almost impossible to believe. Yes, I know it's beyond comprehension, but--.
"What happened next, Grandpa?"
Well...actually, I'm tired now, children--and I need to take a nap.
"Ah, Grandpa..."
Tough kitties, you little--! Ma! Come and get these younglings to sleep, will ya? They're your grandchi...zzzz
Please join me next time, on our regular Monday, for Part 3:
Button It!
Button, Button--Who's Got The Pussy REPORT Button?
Monday, November 30, 2009
Part 1: Naming and Shaming
An Adult Bedtime Story For Bonzo
Lions and Tigers and Bare-Assed Liars, Oh my!
by guest writer
Micky McBile
In the picture to your right that's a just-disrobed AcerMore (also on the right) at the public baths, saying to an obviously testosterone-challenged, anti-freespeecher pussy, TesNexus gender-bender censor: "I don't want to be friends, pals or buddies. Get it? Got it? Good."
We now interrupt this commercial to return you to a bedtime story already in progress at an undisclosed witness protection program location deep in the wilds of Oblivious...
"Tell us more, Grandpa--tell us the story about The Dark Land of TesNexus," said the little child sitting on his knee.
"And the Black Castle of obNoxious," said the second at his feet.
"And the DarkNun," said the third little child snuggled safely in her warm bed...
What? More? Oh--okay. Now, where did I leave off? Hmmmm. Oh, yes--just as we left me--I mean--him last time, in the above picture you can see our hero Shining Prince AcerMore being 'approached' by a TesNexus Censor gender-bender.
"What's a Censor, Grandpa?"
A no-good, dirty-rotten, son-of--ah...ask your grandmother, children.
Anyway, I was--I mean--Prince AcerMore was being propositioned (in a most obvious and no uncertain manner, mind you) to "play along--and keep your mouth shut about everything that's happening or going to happen in our Dickedatorial Kingdom," (wink, wink--nudge, nudge--you know what I mean?) "or be banished from The Dark Land of TestyNexus forever and ever..."
Please join me next time, on our regular Monday, for Part 2:
The Good. The Bad. And The Ucking Fugly
Get it? Got it? Good.
An Adult Bedtime Story For Bonzo
Lions and Tigers and Bare-Assed Liars, Oh my!
by guest writer
Micky McBile

In the picture to your right that's a just-disrobed AcerMore (also on the right) at the public baths, saying to an obviously testosterone-challenged, anti-freespeecher pussy, TesNexus gender-bender censor: "I don't want to be friends, pals or buddies. Get it? Got it? Good."
We now interrupt this commercial to return you to a bedtime story already in progress at an undisclosed witness protection program location deep in the wilds of Oblivious...
"Tell us more, Grandpa--tell us the story about The Dark Land of TesNexus," said the little child sitting on his knee.
"And the Black Castle of obNoxious," said the second at his feet.
"And the DarkNun," said the third little child snuggled safely in her warm bed...
What? More? Oh--okay. Now, where did I leave off? Hmmmm. Oh, yes--just as we left me--I mean--him last time, in the above picture you can see our hero Shining Prince AcerMore being 'approached' by a TesNexus Censor gender-bender.
"What's a Censor, Grandpa?"
A no-good, dirty-rotten, son-of--ah...ask your grandmother, children.
Anyway, I was--I mean--Prince AcerMore was being propositioned (in a most obvious and no uncertain manner, mind you) to "play along--and keep your mouth shut about everything that's happening or going to happen in our Dickedatorial Kingdom," (wink, wink--nudge, nudge--you know what I mean?) "or be banished from The Dark Land of TestyNexus forever and ever..."
Please join me next time, on our regular Monday, for Part 2:
The Good. The Bad. And The Ucking Fugly
Get it? Got it? Good.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Part 5: The Days Of Our Lives
Mama Told Me There'd Be Days Like These
This is for when you have to jump through hoops with each forum post--it'll help you a lot--because the TesNexus admins won't.
They gave me three strikes all in a matter of minutes for each one of my forum posts (there's several combined in this set) and I was out. (I would show you more but I can't get back to the forum to copy them--I'm blocked even from looking at it. Ain't that a scream. I know, there's ways around it but once you escape from an insane asylum why would you ever want to subject yourself to that torment again. I just wish I had five cents for every click I gave them.)
And not once did anyone object by saying my words were a lie. Why? Because you can't argue with the truth--(and I never expected to be banned for telling the truth.) I was always careful with what I said--never calling people names, etc.
One last note of interest that occurred to me while writing this: My 'Premium Membership' had lapsed a short while before (a few weeks, a month?) on TesNexus and I hadn't gotten around to renewing it yet.
You don't think that because they weren't making any money off of me at that moment that they felt they had nothing to lose by banning me, do you?
Remember the story of David and Goliath?
My point being that, while TesNexus feels quite certain they delivered another triumphant victory for the bad guys, they may soon find it was a Pyrrhic victory in disguise...
WARNING: NEXT WEEK THIS SITE IS GOING ADULT (as such) because it's too much trouble watching every word and graphic to keep it child-friendly. There's lots of places for kids--this just won't be one of them. So, next week will be more grown-up with language and more revealing computer graphics. Thank you for coming.
Please join me next time, on my regular Monday weekly post, for my first adult post: Naming and Shaming
An Adult Bedtime Story For Bonzo
Lions and Tigers and Bare-Assed Liars, Oh my!
Mama Told Me There'd Be Days Like These

And that was the end of my posts on TesNexus. (There were others but you get the basic idea.)
They gave me three strikes all in a matter of minutes for each one of my forum posts (there's several combined in this set) and I was out. (I would show you more but I can't get back to the forum to copy them--I'm blocked even from looking at it. Ain't that a scream. I know, there's ways around it but once you escape from an insane asylum why would you ever want to subject yourself to that torment again. I just wish I had five cents for every click I gave them.)
And not once did anyone object by saying my words were a lie. Why? Because you can't argue with the truth--(and I never expected to be banned for telling the truth.) I was always careful with what I said--never calling people names, etc.
One last note of interest that occurred to me while writing this: My 'Premium Membership' had lapsed a short while before (a few weeks, a month?) on TesNexus and I hadn't gotten around to renewing it yet.
You don't think that because they weren't making any money off of me at that moment that they felt they had nothing to lose by banning me, do you?
Remember the story of David and Goliath?
My point being that, while TesNexus feels quite certain they delivered another triumphant victory for the bad guys, they may soon find it was a Pyrrhic victory in disguise...
WARNING: NEXT WEEK THIS SITE IS GOING ADULT (as such) because it's too much trouble watching every word and graphic to keep it child-friendly. There's lots of places for kids--this just won't be one of them. So, next week will be more grown-up with language and more revealing computer graphics. Thank you for coming.
Please join me next time, on my regular Monday weekly post, for my first adult post: Naming and Shaming
An Adult Bedtime Story For Bonzo
Lions and Tigers and Bare-Assed Liars, Oh my!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Part 4: Where There's Smoke, There's Fire
I'm Just Getting Warmed Up
We should all be very careful, for when Bethesda (the sleeping giant) suddenly realizes that some of the modders have more rules (and lawyers) then the makers of the game--they just may start re-thinking about their generous offer...
I see my last comment has been reported.
I don't believe in political correctness--it's destroying civilization as we know it.
Disagree with me? Hate me for telling it like it is? Don't hide behind a button. (Some coward who wouldn't face me kept clicking the REPORT button on my posts.) Come on--flame me! I'm a big boy. I like a good cat fight--even if some of the cats are toms.
All I ask is you state the truth--as you see it.
Edit for spelling. (I've noticed that some of the best modders are some of the worst spellers.)
(I'd like to say at this point that the hardest thing about re-creating what I said on TesNexus is not to make the mistake (as I read it over) of changing or adding something. I tried to put new comments in brackets and bold--but I may have missed one or two.)
(Anyway, I'm putting a break in here in case you need to go to the bathroom. Go ahead--I'll wait. Dum-dum-de-da-dum. Well, I didn't know you were going to take that long. How rude. So I guess I'm outta here, then!)
Please join me next time, on Monday, for Part 5:
The Days Of Our Lives
Mama Told Me There'd Be Days Like These
I'm Just Getting Warmed Up
We should all be very careful, for when Bethesda (the sleeping giant) suddenly realizes that some of the modders have more rules (and lawyers) then the makers of the game--they just may start re-thinking about their generous offer...
I see my last comment has been reported.
I don't believe in political correctness--it's destroying civilization as we know it.
Disagree with me? Hate me for telling it like it is? Don't hide behind a button. (Some coward who wouldn't face me kept clicking the REPORT button on my posts.) Come on--flame me! I'm a big boy. I like a good cat fight--even if some of the cats are toms.
All I ask is you state the truth--as you see it.
Edit for spelling. (I've noticed that some of the best modders are some of the worst spellers.)
(I'd like to say at this point that the hardest thing about re-creating what I said on TesNexus is not to make the mistake (as I read it over) of changing or adding something. I tried to put new comments in brackets and bold--but I may have missed one or two.)
(Anyway, I'm putting a break in here in case you need to go to the bathroom. Go ahead--I'll wait. Dum-dum-de-da-dum. Well, I didn't know you were going to take that long. How rude. So I guess I'm outta here, then!)
Please join me next time, on Monday, for Part 5:
The Days Of Our Lives
Mama Told Me There'd Be Days Like These
Monday, November 16, 2009
Part 3: I'm In Heaven
And I Can Hardly Speak--Ya, Right
Pictured above: Fighting companions Stoker Wolff and Dork. First published in Dork of the Month Club--I was the centrefold.
(Don't laugh, I won 1st prize for that outfit--a free one week membership for one and a half people to TesNexus--so I included my half-sister--(now you can laugh.) Second prize was one month and third prize was one year. By-the-way, I hate that costume with a passion--makes me look like a slimed lime--but it's got good magical protection--especially against lemons.
(Continuing with what I wrote on the TesNexus forum...)
I am not a modder and I am not up on Bethesda's instructions for use of modding so I will stand corrected, but, here's how I see it: Simplified, you may not claim any part of the game as your own or make any money off of your mod (I read it somewhere.)
These mods are supposed to be for the community (and FREE, remember--they're FREE) and as long as the 'bundle' players are not claiming it as their own work or making money with it by putting it in a bundle (and that's okay with Bethesda as stated) then who are the modders to say otherwise.
Further, each mod comes with a Readme (or should) that states who the author is--why should someone making a 'bundle' (if it were agreed upon by the community) have to contact and list all the 'makers' on the webpage of any mod downloading website? (Phone book, anyone?) This is understandable if you want to use/change someone else's hard work or parts of it where you are making your own mod.
But should someone who's just 'bundling' them have to jump through all these hoops?
It seems that more and more some mod authors are beginning to believe their own press: "I am God your creator and you may only use my mod if it's the second Tuesday of the month and you kiss my ring while doing so."
'Disrespectful' they accused me of being.
Just who is being disrespectful--the players who appreciate all the work the modders do, who are thrilled with each new mod and are only out to enjoy themselves or some of the modders (and sites) who show by their excessive rules that they don't appreciate the players and are only out for...(you fill in the blank.)
Join me next time, on Thursday, for Part 4:
Where There's Smoke, There's Fire
I'm Just Getting Warmed Up
And I Can Hardly Speak--Ya, Right
Pictured above: Fighting companions Stoker Wolff and Dork. First published in Dork of the Month Club--I was the centrefold.
(Don't laugh, I won 1st prize for that outfit--a free one week membership for one and a half people to TesNexus--so I included my half-sister--(now you can laugh.) Second prize was one month and third prize was one year. By-the-way, I hate that costume with a passion--makes me look like a slimed lime--but it's got good magical protection--especially against lemons.
(Continuing with what I wrote on the TesNexus forum...)
I am not a modder and I am not up on Bethesda's instructions for use of modding so I will stand corrected, but, here's how I see it: Simplified, you may not claim any part of the game as your own or make any money off of your mod (I read it somewhere.)
These mods are supposed to be for the community (and FREE, remember--they're FREE) and as long as the 'bundle' players are not claiming it as their own work or making money with it by putting it in a bundle (and that's okay with Bethesda as stated) then who are the modders to say otherwise.
Further, each mod comes with a Readme (or should) that states who the author is--why should someone making a 'bundle' (if it were agreed upon by the community) have to contact and list all the 'makers' on the webpage of any mod downloading website? (Phone book, anyone?) This is understandable if you want to use/change someone else's hard work or parts of it where you are making your own mod.
But should someone who's just 'bundling' them have to jump through all these hoops?
It seems that more and more some mod authors are beginning to believe their own press: "I am God your creator and you may only use my mod if it's the second Tuesday of the month and you kiss my ring while doing so."
'Disrespectful' they accused me of being.
Just who is being disrespectful--the players who appreciate all the work the modders do, who are thrilled with each new mod and are only out to enjoy themselves or some of the modders (and sites) who show by their excessive rules that they don't appreciate the players and are only out for...(you fill in the blank.)
Join me next time, on Thursday, for Part 4:
Where There's Smoke, There's Fire
I'm Just Getting Warmed Up
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Part 2: Truth or Consequences
Truth? We Don't Need No Stinkin' Truth
(Here's a pic of where I was eventually banished to for speaking up: At least they gave me a place to sleep--so they weren't all bad.)
Here's my side of the conversations, only, because I can't speak for others. I wrote all this in my reply to their actions:
I have in my setup: 238 mods that I've finally gotten to work together after much testing, putting in/taking out and hair-pulling...if I were to package and upload them as a bundle I know they will work (all things being equal.) However, once one of them is updated or changed in someway by the author then I'll probably have to dig down deep to make them all work together again. (Headache anyone?)
Now here comes along someone willing to do all that work of keeping a 'bundle' running--and I'm all for it and appreciate it.
Would the authors of all these different mods like to download this bundle and make sure their changes work with it? I don't think so--and they shouldn't have to.
Can't we have a new category? "Bundles", perhaps? With a different set of rules? (There's always the exception to the rule, remember.)
What does anyone else think about that? (I asked on the website.)
I wonder how many people would still like to download this file if they could..." (Turns out there was quite a few!)
Honestly, who can contact 238 plus authors? As long as they receive full credit for their work, hmmmm?
Just think: Each 'bundle' would be so different that it would be like playing a whole new game!
P.S. Some of you might remember me from my DAZ website days when I started one topic that received 15,000 hits in 6 days and was over 80 pages long (and they have long pages) when I said enough. Over there I was known as 'DazzleDave'.
Please join me next time, on Monday, for Part 3:
Heaven, I'm in Heaven
And I Can Hardly Speak--Ya, Right
Truth? We Don't Need No Stinkin' Truth
(Here's a pic of where I was eventually banished to for speaking up: At least they gave me a place to sleep--so they weren't all bad.)
I have in my setup: 238 mods that I've finally gotten to work together after much testing, putting in/taking out and hair-pulling...if I were to package and upload them as a bundle I know they will work (all things being equal.) However, once one of them is updated or changed in someway by the author then I'll probably have to dig down deep to make them all work together again. (Headache anyone?)
Now here comes along someone willing to do all that work of keeping a 'bundle' running--and I'm all for it and appreciate it.
Would the authors of all these different mods like to download this bundle and make sure their changes work with it? I don't think so--and they shouldn't have to.
Can't we have a new category? "Bundles", perhaps? With a different set of rules? (There's always the exception to the rule, remember.)
What does anyone else think about that? (I asked on the website.)
I wonder how many people would still like to download this file if they could..." (Turns out there was quite a few!)
Honestly, who can contact 238 plus authors? As long as they receive full credit for their work, hmmmm?
Just think: Each 'bundle' would be so different that it would be like playing a whole new game!
P.S. Some of you might remember me from my DAZ website days when I started one topic that received 15,000 hits in 6 days and was over 80 pages long (and they have long pages) when I said enough. Over there I was known as 'DazzleDave'.
Please join me next time, on Monday, for Part 3:
Heaven, I'm in Heaven
And I Can Hardly Speak--Ya, Right
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Part 1: Censorship Is Dictatorship On Game Sites
Listen up, Game Websites: Your boards are empty and dead for a reason--because people are afraid to speak up or disagree (or worse, even agree) with just the other posters (never mind the admins) or they'll get banned.
As soon as somebody is smart enough (and has guts enough) to open up a forum that allows free speech they're going to wipe out all the other toadying sites in an instant.
Censorship should be only used when someone is being nasty for the sake of being nasty or threatening--not because someone doesn't like to hear the truth. "You told the truth, you hurt my feelings--you're banned."
Ya, right. Well, this is the Internet. And guess what? One hour later anyone can set up their own blog and show just how pathetic you folks really are.
See, unlike at your game websites I'm allowing people (players and modders) the right to freedom of speech, to speak out without fear: Don't like me? Bite me. Wish I was dead? Go ahead.
A coward dies a thousand deaths but a brave man (or woman) dies but once...unless they build a blog--then they live for ever.
Yes, it's true: I got banned from TesNexus and it's forums. Can't connect to those two sites anymore. I'm all alone, now, just me and my 7000+ mods. Boo-hoo.
Why? Because I told the truth--and they didn't like it. Here's another truth: I'm not a modder but if I was I wouldn't want to be a Godmodder.
So, let's get down to it, shall we? Leaving out what others said here is the gist of the matter--nothing changed except spelling corrections, and hopefully they're correct.
A 'bundle' was put up on TesNexus called 'FCOM SuperPack' by Ultiodes but the file was removed and the page left as otherwise so people could still read it. (No fault there, I thought--except that I now realize it was left up to make an example to others and a warning not to speak out.)
Please join me next time, on Thursday, for Part 2:
Truth or Consequences
Truth? We Don't Need No Stinkin' Truth
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